A Guide Of The Preposterous, For The Credulous, And By The Anomalous
Published on May 2, 2004 By The Mad Farmer Hisself In Life Journals
Good dreams. Lots of agreeable people, palatial settings. Enjoyed a nice long walk around an estate which sported a couple of percolation ponds... I’m dimly recollecting something about driving a car. I much more clearly remember lounging about a really cracking estate with lots of smart, interesting people. We were all there for some purpose...
This (waking) continuum’s morning is overcast. Cool outside. Really messy in here, in my room, I’m going to have to spend some time getting this room into shape before the maid comes by.

Did wake in a panic this morning. I calmed myself by reciting my plan: work full time at this telefundraising gig until something more congenial turns up- it occurred to me that this is just the sort of situation that works for freelancing.


This takes care of rent, currently. That’s the low-lowball estimate, BTW. Or I could work 30 hours & maintain health coverage, when I qualify.

Its a nice picture anyway, I feel better now. This morning I was up around 4:30 am and I was just in knots. I couldn’t determine why. But I got the better of it.


Everything slips. Opportunity fleets on beating wings. All is changing.

Monday & Wednesday: classes at LA Biztech.
Maybe finally get back to Steve at practicalenvironmentalism.com
& of course taking the Office certifications.

When you have a dream, you just have to work on it.

My whole struggle now is getting these words down so as they reflect my sensibility.


Sooner done, sooner out. Finally I get morning pages!

Greg Egan stated an interesting and possibly pertinent hypothesis yesterday, [within one of his novels] that if there’s a center in the human brain for coordinating social information , that one of the habitual skills of your typical human is in forming a model of other people. Implication as to why is obvious.

This would be an intricate process using all available evidence. When it works it calls special attention to the information it produces, “flagging” it.

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