A Guide Of The Preposterous, For The Credulous, And By The Anomalous
Published on May 2, 2004 By The Mad Farmer Hisself In Life Journals
Orientation today at this telefundraising outfit.

I’m too keyed up to be tired, even though the baboon upstairs had some sort of parasite infection and was bouncing around. All freaking night long. What is that monkey’s problem?


I’m a bit out of it this morning.

Cold outside & overcast. A little dark, and there is a lot of moisture in the cold air. Rain later? Gack.
But I found out (writing this in the lounge of the outfit I’ll be working at) there is a back rack in the garage. Aside from the pile-driver caperings of the moron upstairs, I had a nutritional morning. Hot chocolate, mac & cheese & tuna. Slow-pot, yum.

Yea me. Well I’ve got some Visual Basic to study.

Monday night 15 March. 9:40 pm. (Supplemental note)

I appreciate a professional presentation. Saw one today. Prospect of my duties for what’s basically a non-profit telemarketing junket daunted me at first, but this is my supper etc.
(there follows 12 pages of earnest notes taken at this company’s opening invocation of utter BS.)

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