A Guide Of The Preposterous, For The Credulous, And By The Anomalous
Published on May 3, 2004 By The Mad Farmer Hisself In Life Journals
I read yesterday a promo piece in my email about a couple of IT guys who specialize in computer operations outsourcing. Incredible breadth of services they provide: web hosting, database creation... lotsa buzzwords for business...

I’ve got fantastic hours at this job, I’ll say that much about it, I LOVE having the time to myself to write before the day begins. I.T. is a biz where I’d have to move with the customer. If I’m willing to put with this present nonsense for its fantastic hours, then what’s my aim here?


Nice day all the way up to the Main Library after work... I’d scheduled to hours for myself on the Net for job research - the Occupational Outlook Handbook et al.

Read more about software engineering, touched up on ESL instruction (or ESOL, an unfortunately constructed but politically correct neologism, this is what you get when humorless apparats are the only ones the society trusts to police our morals, do English Speakers of Other Languages deserve this?) ... yesterday I’d read about desktop publishing as well. Found out that adult instruction is set to boom, as I’d been informed. Computer repair was also something I read about last night.

But then 3 minutes before I was to log off (& all files dumped from the terminal) I found out that all my notes in the library license of Word could not be printed - because someone had not set up a printer for that installation, and I could not find the right one in time... like that was my job. Bye bye notes, an hour’s work squandered.

Spent a little time this morning cleaning up, room looks a little better. Intoduced myself to the new counter-guy in the building, it was good to talk to him, his name is Tom & he’s an ex-bartender. Enjoyable. Honest fellow, he allowed as to doing little more with his off-time than watching TV... I’ve been there myself.

So what’s next? Or, what’m I going to make happen?

Dead silence.

If there was a garden path to my bliss I’d be plucking the tomatoes right now, I guess.


As for Office & VBA, there are always the certifications at OfficeTeam. Why not volunteer my time as a “Microsoft Office Integrator?” Hmm. Need specific opportunity here. Doesn’t sound like a bad specialty though, I need to know enough to talk to other IT guys.


The abiding, querulous underpinning of so much social criticism of our time - “But who can say what is real?” - is an admission that there are no shared dangers to spirits enterprising in common.


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