I just located a couple of Rumpole Of The Bailey audiotapes at the LA Main Library. John Mortimer yer my god. Some episodes I don’t think I’ve read or seen before; one of the tapes is read by *Robert Hardy*! ...but a note attached to it says the tapes are “corrupted.” That can’t mean anything good. Also have located a Bruce Sterling Shaper/Mechanist collection, all he’s ever written about that hypershocked future. Cool, sharp and alienated, like my mood. ... just now assayed the “corrup...
Blog! Marketers must be gnashing their teeth. It’s like a wildly popular SUV named the “Treacle” or maybe the “Cytoblast”. It’s actually kind of curious when you think about it: how can such a homely collision of an oral plosive with an interrupted cry of pain come to represent such a wildly popular Internet development? Grind them pearlies, Ms. Marketer. Dr. Suzuki, in his commentaries on Zen, instructs that the path to enlightenment is one of creative destruction. For corroboration, h...