1 April 2004 Thursday ... Yea OfficeTeam! I’ve got a job! Second step: accomplished. ... Fortunately, I’ll be paid weekly at a higher rate, so by my figures, I will be able to pay back Step One, the rental loans. ... I’m really jazzed about this A+ class I just found out about! I walked up there last night and it’s an even better deal than I thought. The registration is paltry. They have a full lab there w/ PC carcasses ready to go. They even do Network + prep, at least a li...
Job search. I’m getting a late start on the Mission To Reseda; hopefully a good showing here will assuage my guilt over getting out late. :> Actually, I knew I should not have played Empire late last night. Or at least walked away from the game I began. Though I began it just to chill out. I’d just finished, what - not quite a third of “Loosely Coupled.” I’m enjoying that book immensely! I love it! I’m jazzed by the possibilities in it.
Is there life after 30? Is there life before it? *** ... The baboon upstairs is moving around much earlier than his typical appointment with consciousness. I can tell, of course, because I’m hearing the very muted depth-charge impressions of his stamping meat-pads from the ceiling. It’s as if he’s acting out his typical incontinent hysterics but just can’t put his heart into it. .... Give me anything - but time. Who can give that? Its chosen. Mr. Pellet tried to teach u...
I read yesterday a promo piece in my email about a couple of IT guys who specialize in computer operations outsourcing. Incredible breadth of services they provide: web hosting, database creation... lotsa buzzwords for business... I’ve got fantastic hours at this job, I’ll say that much about it, I LOVE having the time to myself to write before the day begins. I.T. is a biz where I’d have to move with the customer. If I’m willing to put with this present nonsense for its fantastic hours, t...
[For the collected journal entries for this period read, “this job is worse than I thought, here are reasons n, n+1, n+2 ... for any positive integer n as to why it can’t be as bad as it seems, I’m now going to talk about my exit strategies and various other emotionally leavening topics.”] [There, that was much quicker!]
Highlights: First day of work today. Bill feels pangs of unease, deals with it. Although I’d set the alarm clock for 6:30 am, I was awake at 5:17. Pretty refreshed, too. Dreamt a lot last night, but unusually, I can’t recall anything specific. Yesterday opened kind of dark and overcast but rapidly got warmer and brighter. Your typical hazy-milk blue overhead by the time I got to wander in the ritzy-clapboard construction of the neighborhoods bordering the uncaring expressway by th...
Orientation today at this telefundraising outfit. I’m too keyed up to be tired, even though the baboon upstairs had some sort of parasite infection and was bouncing around. All freaking night long. What is that monkey’s problem? ... I’m a bit out of it this morning. Cold outside & overcast. A little dark, and there is a lot of moisture in the cold air. Rain later? Gack. But I found out (writing this in the lounge of the outfit I’ll be working at) there is a back rack in the ga...
Good dreams. Lots of agreeable people, palatial settings. Enjoyed a nice long walk around an estate which sported a couple of percolation ponds... I’m dimly recollecting something about driving a car. I much more clearly remember lounging about a really cracking estate with lots of smart, interesting people. We were all there for some purpose... This (waking) continuum’s morning is overcast. Cool outside. Really messy in here, in my room, I’m going to have to spend some time getting this roo...
Interview today. ... Pardon me, I’m enjoying the silence of the zoo, for sure, its not even 6:30 am. But I’m listening to El Dorado (ELO) ... you guessed it... “Boy Blue.” Okay, back to writing. ... Right now I’ve got the water running in the bathtub because it is a pleasant mask for the elephantine groaning of the guy next door. I mean, he yawns these great theatrical yawns. I take them to be sarcastic / passive aggressive / whatever -c’mon no one really yawns that loudly. ......
I now have $337 in the bank. $308 of that has got to go to rent for the next two weeks. Hopefully... I’ll get hired ASAP tomorrow & get moving. I may well end up a caller for non-profit orgs. Today I wrote a promising opening section for an Amy:Zerodancer story. She’s got a theatrical flair about her, part, just a sliver, of the prima donna. Queen of her own dance. I think from now on, I will turn in as early as I can. I really value waking up to create, rather than commute. I need ...